Our popular beekeeping apprenticeship program has led hundreds of new beekeepers through the nuanced and tricky world of beekeeping over the last decade, and we are now offering a new hybrid format to bring the program to more beeks! Now anyone in the world can opt in for the workshop component: 30+ hours of content delivered by Tara via live online classes. Plus, a new office hours component will allow you direct access to Tara once a month to share your questions and concerns about your bees. Of course, if you are able to make it to Austin, Texas, once a month we will still have our half-day hands-on component. This new format will allow for more flexibility, recorded workshop sessions available on-demand, and shorter weekend commitments to help meet the demands of busy schedules!

Beek Apprenticeship
Our beek apprenticeship includes 30+ hours of high quality beekeeping instruction delivered in 8 online sessions by Tara. This component is self contained: it will include all the workshop instruction including everything from bee biology, setting up your site, preventing swarming, making splits, harvesting, integrated pest management, and so much more! To see a full agenda and dates, please visit our registration page and scroll down! These sessions will be held over the course of 8 months to match the Northern Hemisphere’s seasons to ensure you get the right content at right right time! All sessions will be recorded and available for a period of time after the live recording so you never miss a session. You will receive readings ahead of each session that you will be expected to complete before class. Plus, mark your calendar for our monthly office hours: a time to tune in and get your questions about your bees answered live by Tara and the team.
$650 for 30+ hours of live virtual workshops and office hours opportunities

Apprenticeship Practical
The beekeeping practical includes 25 hours of hands on instruction. Take the theoretical to the next level, as you get to put into practice all the teachings from the beekeeping apprenticeship. Each session is half a day, and will begin at the Honey Ranch just east of Austin. Each session will include bee work in the bee yards, along with additional hands-on demonstrations and workshops including making and hanging swarm traps, making pollen patties, honey extraction, making products from beeswax and much much more. Please keep in mind that the hands-on practical is a VERY dynamic program, and we stay flexible to allow you the most complete experience available. For example, if we get a swarm call nearby the night before a practical, we will alert you all via phone of the change in schedule so we can divert and you can experience a swarm capture! You can view a syllabus here, whose content can change based on new unique opportunities presented to us.
$1150 for 25 hours of hands-on practical bee work and demos
Also includes ventilated full suit, gloves, hive tool, smoker and bee brush. Already own these? Let us know and we will adjust your program price accordingly!

Choose both and save!
If you’re able to meet in in Austin for a half day each month in, you can pair the theories and concepts learned in the online workshops with the hands-on practical! If time or financial constraints don’t allow you to pair both now, once you complete the beek apprenticeship you can choose to take the apprentice practical at a future date when it makes more sense for you! Past apprentices can also choose to take the practical as a stand-alone review for more time in the bee yards with an experienced mentor!
$1650 for 55+ hours of instruction (Save $150 dollars when you buy both together!)
Also includes ventilated full suit, gloves, hive tool, smoker and bee brush. Already own these? Let us know and we will adjust your program price accordingly!
We are ready to help you start your beekeeping journey. But you may still have questions…
Get in touch! We’ve led hundreds of people through this tried and true program over 16 cohorts in the last 8 years. Over a dozen folks have even launched successful bee businesses out of this program! But we understand the investment and want to make sure all your questions are answered. You can see the full calendar of dates here! And at the link below, you can see a summary of the syllabus for the 8 month program. Have other questions? Reach out to Tara at tara@twohiveshoney.com and we will be happy to answer all your questions via email or phone.
What Past Apprentices are Saying
A must for a would-be beekeeper!
This is an amazing apprenticeship that is worth every single penny. The classes that you get during your time at Two Hives is more in-depth than any other bee class I have taken - and I have taken A LOT. Plus, you follow up what you are learning with hands on time that is priceless. I learned what to do, what not to do, and how to troubleshoot. This apprenticeship is a must for a would-be beekeeper.
Engaging, Accessible, and Generous!
So grateful that I discovered Two Hives Honey for my beekeeping apprenticeship! Tara is a highly engaging, accessible, and generous educator, and the apprenticeship provides just the right balance of reading material, hands-on experience, classroom presentations and discussions, and treats (wonderful lunches, visits to inspect hives at diverse locations, including breweries, and more). Two Hives Honey also offers tours, sells equipment and nucs, and has a lovely little shop with books, apparel, infused honey's, Tara's new condensed iced tea, and more. She also has gift sets of honey that have been a big hit with my team at work and friends. Visit, take a class or a tour, or dive in with an apprenticeship. You'll also meet wonderful people--Tara's staff and the people in your apprenticeship class.
An Amazing Mentor!
Through the readings, hands on classes, and conversations with cohort members - I am more confident in my ability to work through problems in the apiary vs the old me who would look for a product to solve all my bee problems. Tara as a mentor is amazing, she not only demonstrates the nuts and bolts of beekeeping but also shares in creating opportunities for extended learning, thinking up classes for the bee ranch, and all that in turn is a permission slip to try new things for budding beekeepers.
Thank you for this opportunity, as I’ve said before, it’s worth every mile driven and more.