Crooked Creek 6 Frame Nucs – Spring 2025


We are excited to once again sell Crooked Creek 6 frame nucleus colonies.  Your 6-frame fully functioning colony will arrive in a reusable deep wooden Nuc box.   The nucs will contain:

  • A 2025 “laying” Italian/Carniolan Mixed Hybrid Queen which originates from inseminated hybrid breeder Queens from the USDA Baton Rouge Lab and from Ohio Queen Breeder stock (see additional details on queen genetics below)
  • 4 Inner deep frames of brood in all stages (egg, larva & pupae) and bees
  • 2 Outer deep frames contain honey, pollen, and adhering bees
  • Wall-to-Wall bees

Nucs are tentatively scheduled for PICKUP ONLY the 1st weekend of April.  Additional information and confirmation on pick-up dates and times will be provided by mid-March. We cannot confirm which date they will be available until then.

**Refunds are not available on nucs**

In stock

SKU: 156 Category:


Crooked Creek will provide a 7 day warranty, starting from the date buyer takes possession of their Nuc.

Crooked Creek nucs contain a VSH queen: VSH (Varroa Sensitive Hygiene) is a  hygienic behavior, wherein bees remove  mite-infested cells from the brood nest.  This VSH behavior serves as a natural and physical check on the varroa mites’ ability to reproduce and expand their population inside of a beehive.