We all talk a lot about the beneficial properties of honey, but arguably another product…

What do Valentine’s Day and beekeepers have in common?!
Here’s your random bee fact for the day: Did you know that St Valentine, the…

Spring Awakening: February 2023 Honey Bee Forecast
Spring is back, baby! (Well, at least here in Central Texas. I realize those of…

What is the Winter Solstice, and Why Does it Matter to our Honey Bees?
Happy winter solstice!! Today marks the official start of astronomical winter. The winter solstice is…

What’s the flavor of your honey?
Over the last year I’ve come to realize that my favorite part of my job…

The Birds and the Bees
Bee sex. It’s one of the most fascinating phenomenons in nature. A newly emerged virgin…

Would you eat honey made from…insect poop?!
Close your eyes…imagine you open the cabinet to grab a jar of honey. What’s it look…

The Secret Language of Flowers
I’ve done some unusual/cool/crazy things in my life. I’ve visited all 7 continents. I’ve flown…

A Beekeeper Goes to Malawi…
Just over two weeks ago Aidan, Atlas and I stepped off a plane in Austin…